It looks like an equilateral triangle . the three bright stars are procyon in canis minor , sirius in canis major and betelgeux in orion 它的形状接近等边三角形,由小犬座主星南河三大犬座主星天狼星及猎户座主星参宿四所组成。
Indeed , the constellations common in the sky from about 4000 bc to 2000 bc were taurus the bull , canis minor the dog , hydra the snake , corvus the raven , and scorpio the scorpion , all of which may be identified in the fresco from dura - europos , a standard hellenistic iconography 事实上,描绘天空的星座图从大约公元前四千年起到公元前二千年都十分普遍,公牛代表金牛座,狗代表小犬星座,蛇代表长蛇座,乌鸦代表乌鸦座,蝎子代表天蝎座,所有一切都可以在一些壁画上找到,一种希腊风格的肖像画法。